Product Overview

Decoding Data: An introduction to Machine Learning


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  • Scope: 1,5h introduction to Machine Learning
  • Level: All
  • Format: Online

This training is available on demand. Please contact Rosina Preis via rosina.preis@eitmanufacturing.eu for further information.

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Explore the world of machine learning with our online training “Decoding Data: An Introduction to Machine Learning”. Join us for an enlightening session where we unravel the fundamental concepts of machine learning, empowering you to grasp the core principles that drive this transformative field. Through real-world examples, interactive discussions, and expert insights, this online training is meticulously designed to provide you with a clear understanding of what machine learning is and how it is reshaping the way we interact with data. Find out why machine learning has not only occupied experts in recent years and immerse yourself in an interactive experience that will lay the groundwork for your exploration of the fascinating realm of machine learning.

This training is part of the learning path “Industrial Data Science” and may be combined with other sessions.

Main learning outcomes:

  • Define Machine Learning: Gain a clear definition and understanding of what machine learning is and its significance in the realm of data science and within the CRISP-DM approach.
  • Explore Types of Machine Learning: Understand the distinctions between supervised learning, unsupervised learning, and reinforcement learning. Find out how they are applied in real-world scenarios, with industrial use cases of a supervised and unsupervised algorithm.
  • Understand Basic Machine Learning Terminology: Familiarize yourself with key terms such as algorithms, models, training, and inference, essential for comprehending machine learning literature.
  • Discover Real-world Applications: Explore practical applications of machine learning across various industries, showcasing how it transforms data into actionable insights.
  • Future Trends and Implications: Gain insights into the evolving landscape of machine learning, its potential impact on industries, and the skills needed to navigate this dynamic field.

Who is this training for:

  • Business analysts
  • Industrial, mechanical and civil engineering students and alumni
  • Practitioners without knowledge of data science


“Decoding Data: An introduction to Machine Learning” is a 1,5h online training which will include the following topics:

  • Introduction to machine learning – 55 minutes
  • 5-minute break
  • Practice Section supported by industry experts – 30 minutes

After the training, the course materials and training will be available on demand. For on-demand training and further information, please contact Rosina Preis via rosina.preis@eitmanufacturing.eu.


Traner 1: Dipl.-Ing. Linus Kohl

Linus Kohl works as a research associate at TU Wien and Project Manager at Fraunhofer Austria. He has experience in leading and managing research projects involving topics related to predictive and prescriptive maintenance, data analytics and developing novel machine learning solutions.

Trainer 2: Dipl.-Ing. Theresa Madreiter

Theresa Madreiter works as a research associate at TU Wien and Fraunhofer Austria. She has experience in leading and managing research projects. Her focus is on utilizing data for improved maintenance solutions, with a specialty in predictive maintenance and the analysis of unstructured data.


Rosina Preis
Rosina PreisCompetence and Knowledge Manager for EU Projects CLC East


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