Terms of use

Terms of Use of the Learning Platform of EIT Manufacturing East GmbH

The access data to the learning platform (user name and login password) will be sent to the participant after successful registration. The transfer of this access data to third parties is prohibited.

The contents of this learning platform, in particular all scripts, contributions or slide sets, are protected by copyright. The contents and information are only intended for the personal use of the respective participant for training purposes. The user undertakes to comply with all legal provisions when using the learning platform, in particular the provisions of unfair competition law and of the protection of intellectual property.

Any further use, in particular storage, reproduction, translation, processing and any form of commercial use as well as transfer to other persons – also in parts or in edited form – without the prior consent of EIT Manufacturing East GmbH is prohibited. The user may only make available copyright protected works on the learning platform with the consent of the author or rights holder.

In the event of infringement, EIT Manufacturing East GmbH reserves the right to assert claims for damages. In the event of claims being made against EIT Manufacturing East GmbH by third parties due to the unlawful and culpable actions of a user, such unlawfully acting user shall indemnify and hold harmless EIT Manufacturing East GmbH.

Users of the learning platform agree not to collect data manually or automatically for further processing (“screen scraping”) or to integrate data from this website into their products. Users are expressly prohibited from simulating the learning platform by means of “framing” or “mirroring”.

If a violation of these Terms of Use is noticed, the participant will receive a warning. If a serious or repeated violation of these Terms of Use is noticed, the respective user will have his/her right of use revoked and his/her access to the learning platform will be blocked; this is irrespective of the assertion of any further claims, in particular claims for damages. In the event of such a block, no fees can be refunded to the participant.

Licenses and Downloads
The eLearning-contents made available on the learning platform and all other electronic training documents are – unless expressly stated otherwise – intended exclusively for private use by seminar participants and may only be used within this framework. Any other use is not permitted and may result in civil and/or criminal prosecution. EIT Manufacturing East GmbH assumes no liability for any damage caused directly or indirectly by the use of the learning platform, such as downloaded files, unless such damage was caused by gross negligence or intent on the part of EIT Manufacturing East GmbH or involves personal injury.

EIT Manufacturing East GmbH operates the learning platform in accordance with the existing technical, economic, operational and organizational possibilities and therefore, in particular with regard to the technical characteristics of the internet, does not assume any warranty for the availability, freedom from disruptions or the uninterrupted, always retrievable operation of the learning platform and its contents. EIT Manufacturing East GmbH will always endeavor to remedy malfunctions of any kind as quickly as possible. EIT Manufacturing East GmbH is entitled to interrupt the operation of the learning platform in an appropriate and reasonable manner, insofar as this is necessary for internal purposes, such as the maintenance of the learning platform or the feeding of new content.
EIT Manufacturing East GmbH shall not be liable for the quality, correctness, up-to-dateness and/or completeness of third-party information, insofar as such information is expressly identified as third-party information within the learning platform; if a user has entered content, the user shall be solely liable for its content.

Any liability for direct, indirect or other damage arising from the use or non-availability of the data and information of this learning platform is excluded, irrespective of its cause, except in the case of gross negligence or intentional damage to the participants by EIT Manufacturing East GmbH. This exclusion of liability does not apply to personal injury.

Any integration of individual pages of this learning platform into external frames is to be refrained from. Any modification or falsification of content within the learning platform is prohibited.

Links to (a) website(s) operated by third parties do not constitute a recommendation by EIT Manufacturing East GmbH with regard to the services and information offered there. In such cases, EIT Manufacturing East GmbH assumes no warranty and/or liability for the content of such websites. In the event of the unauthorized creation of links, EIT Manufacturing East GmbH assumes no liability for the linked websites and the information conveyed therein; the owner(s) of the respective linked website is solely responsible for the content of an unauthorized linked website. Contents of the learning platform which, in the opinion of EIT Manufacturing East GmbH, reflect an attitude that is defamatory, insulting or subject to a legal prohibition, represent a possible infringement of intellectual property rights, such as trademarks or copyrights, or are used in any other illegal or inappropriate manner, must be deleted immediately upon request of EIT Manufacturing East GmbH. Upon becoming aware of any such infringements, EIT Manufacturing East GmbH may also immediately remove such content from the learning platform.

Virus protection: EIT Manufacturing East GmbH operates the learning platform in accordance with the latest technical standards and always endeavors to keep the content of its website free of viruses. However, due to the technical circumstances, no warranty or liability can be assumed for the learning platform being free of viruses. Before downloading information and files, each user is obliged to take appropriate security precautions and use appropriate virus scanners or other technical protection measures for their own protection, but also to prevent viruses from being introduced onto the learning platform.

Any user of the EIT Manufacturing East GmbH website(s) who provides information to EIT Manufacturing East GmbH agrees that EIT Manufacturing East GmbH shall have unrestricted rights to such information and may use it in any manner it wishes. The information provided by the user shall not be subject to confidentiality, with the exception of personal data, the use of which is subject to the provisions of the EU General Data Protection Regulation and the applicable data protection law. The user shall only provide information that is free of third-party rights or for which the user is the rights holder.

Except during online events for which a fee is charged, EIT Manufacturing East GmbH is entitled to change the contents of the website(s) at any time and to interrupt or discontinue the provision of the website(s), for example for maintenance purposes. The user cannot derive any claims from this.



All information regarding the processing of personal data is described in the Privacy Policy of EIT Manufacturing. This can be viewed on the homepage (https://www.eitmanufacturing.eu/privacy-policy-2/).



The goal of adult education providers is to offer an inclusive education system. Inclusive adult education finds its expression in the essential principle of valuing diversity and should also offer the widest possible access to people with disabilities. Help us to realize your participation in society by announcing your special needs in good time (support-east@eitmanufacturing.eu).



We reserve the right to make subsequent changes due to obvious printing errors.


Applicable Law, Place of Jurisdiction

Austrian substantive law shall apply. If the customer is a consumer, the mandatory provisions of the law of the state in which he/she has his/her habitual residence shall also apply.

The court with subject-matter jurisdiction for the registered office of EIT Manufacturing East GmbH shall have exclusive jurisdiction for disputes; however, EIT Manufacturing East GmbH reserves the right to invoke the general place of jurisdiction of the customer. If the customer is a consumer within the meaning of the Austrian Consumer Protection Act (KSchG), the statutory provisions shall apply with regard to jurisdiction.