#DataBites: Quality Management in Manufacturing

Jun 28, 2023

Watch the recording of the free online webinar #DataBites on the topic of Quality Management in Manufacturing.

The quality manager oversees the manufacturing process and ensures that all products/services meet industry standards. They conduct inspections, identify issues, and supervise production to maintain consistent quality. This role requires attention to detail, product knowledge, and the ability to train staff and maintain good customer relationships.

The webinar covers the necessary knowledge and modern approaches for successful as well as effective management of quality management system in a constantly changing digital age.

Anton Petrič has over 30 years of management experience in the automotive industry. He specializes in introducing and maintaining management systems, mentoring, and staff training. Anton is an experienced auditor of management systems and a licensed European assessor for business excellence. He has worked on several business and organizational projects and played a significant role in developing quality and innovation in the region as the president of the GZDBK for Quality and Excellence. He is also a regular speaker at professional conferences and leads the quality school at the Slovenian Institute for Quality and Metrology.

For our training programmes on quality management in manufacturing and related topics, please check our Training Catalogue.

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