#DataBites: Strategic Talent Management is Risk Management

Jun 16, 2023

Watch the recording of the free online #DataBites webinar on the topic of strategic talent and succession management.

Talent and succession management should be a core activity for every company. Finding the right talents, developing them and keeping them in the long run can be a crucial success factor for every company, especially in times of a shortage of skilled labour. Therefore, strategic talent and succession management is also risk management. How well are talent management & succession management processes and policies developed and implemented? How do talents hold when everyone reaches for them?

A new tool, created by Transformation Management AG, provides a remedy – supported by data from a long-term study that the company has been conducting for 10 years with over 400 companies in the DACH region. The tool can be used to calculate detailed insights into the current situation of companies’ human capital risks.

Insights provided by Prof. Dr. Gerhard Graf, CEO at Transformation Management AG, University Chair focused on HR-Management and Change Management at the University of Applied Sciences Munich (since 2010); Owner and CEO of Transformation Management AG St. Gallen; Transformation Management GmbH Munich (since 1999); Transformation Management GmbH Vienna (since 2022).

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