#DataBites: Future-Ready Teams: Strategic Competence and Talent Management

Feb 21, 2024

Dive into this free one-hour webinar where Prof. Dr. Gerhard Graf sheds light on the significance of strategic competence and talent management. Discover practical strategies to elevate these crucial aspects within your company and gain valuable insights into their real-world application. Prof. Dr. Gerhard Graf is a renowned Professor for Cultural Change and Human Resources Management at the University of Applied Sciences SDI in Munich. With over a decade of experience as CEO of Transformation Management PLC, Gerhard specialises in navigating complex change processes, strategic talent management, leadership development, and organisational learning.

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Podcast: Art of Making with Gaia-X – Roland Fadrany

Podcast: Art of Making with Gaia-X – Roland Fadrany

How can data spaces – decentralised ecosystems that enable secure and interoperable data sharing between organisations – transform the way Europe conducts business? In our latest podcast episode, we delve into this question with Roland Fadrany, COO of the Gaia-X...

Podcast: The Art of Making with Dr. Agne Kudarauskiene

Podcast: The Art of Making with Dr. Agne Kudarauskiene

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