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Manufacturing Learning Index®

Plus 20% VAT

Note for groups: If you are buying this product for multiple participants, you will be able to assign licenses after completing the order. Please select “Group” and the number of seats you require.

  • Level: All
  • Format: Online

Please contact Rosina Preis via for further information.

The Manufacturing Learning Index® is the benchmark test for your manufacturing organisation. Together with our partners, we drive forward the learning culture in your company!

The Manufacturing Learning Index® is a tool for assessing the maturity level of an organisation/company in terms of learning, with a particular focus on the unique demands of the manufacturing sector. It evaluates your company's readiness for the future, considering the industry's rapid technological advancements, the need for continuous improvement, and the challenges of maintaining operational excellence.

The target is to evaluate the fitness of the organisation in terms of learning as a company, team and individual. As an add on, participants will receive a valid result compared to their industry, size and countries (D-A-CH) regarding the level of organisational learning maturity and their specific design of learning processes (as an organisation, as teams and as individual). This includes a detailed examination of learning processes specifically tailored to the needs of manufacturing operations, such as lean manufacturing principles, continuous improvement, and advanced training methods for technological competencies.

Based on this status quo of learning quality, manufacturing companies will receive detailed recommendations for developing a robust learning culture. These insights help build a foundation for successfully navigating the future, enhancing organisational resilience, and ensuring that your teams are prepared to meet the evolving demands of the manufacturing industry.



What’s the method?

The Manufacturing Learning Index® is based on 2 levels:

Level 1 – Quick-Check: 21 statements via platform; result: overall benchmark results – free of charge

Level 2 – Deep-Dive: 90-minutes interview that includes both qualitative and quantitative elements. It assesses key parameters ranging all the way from the strategic and future orientation of learning in the organisation to the learning architecture and the learning methods and tools in place.

Benchmark result in detail with conceptual and concrete ideas to achieve the next benchmark-level. Specific recommendations based on the benchmark results of the best organisations are the key benefit for the participating companies and pave the way for purposeful further development.

In a workshop, the results will be discussed in detail and, based on the recommendations, next steps will be outlined for the targeted enhancement of the company’s learning culture.

Executives, board members, and HR managers of companies with 100 or more employees.

The timeline of our Manufacturing Learning Index® is decided upon with you and your team.

Want to know more?

Please get in touch with Rosina Preis via for further information.